Monday 14 October 2013

Life Today | Job Crisis

Good morning lovely people.

Image from Pinterest.

I thought I would do a really honest post today. I have been afraid to write it on here in the fear of letting everyone know how I feel. Because once it's written down for everyone to see it definitely makes you feel more vunereble. But I want this little blog to be a place to document me and my life so here goes.

I have been feeling really down about work recently. I have been trying to work as a freelance children's photographer now for probably a good year and a half. I love taking photos and documenting special moments in peoples life, those moments are often things you wouldn't normally always see -which tend to make them all the more spontaneous and special. Being able to give someone that gift to someone is just lovely. However, needless to say it takes a long time to build a new business, and sometimes it feels like you try and try and it's never quite good enough. 

My family has also started up a new little business too thats now been going for a year, so I am swapping between to two at the moment. However again, being a new business means it's taking a long time to build. I have always been passionate about what I do and want to succeed. But neither of them are bringing me enough of an income nor routine at the moment. So i'm sort of in limbo land at the moment and it's not easy and I feel like that also impacts on the rest of your life. I mean your work life is probably 90% of your life at the end of the day, so it's important to enjoy what you do. 

I'm not quite sure where I was going with this post, but I guess as it's Monday and things had got to me I would write it down, for the first time and hope you don't all think i'm mad. 

I would love to know what you do, and if you have ever felt like this.

Thank you for reading
Holly x

1 comment:

  1. I love this quote, it's totally true! :D

    I'm writing a blog about travelling and other things I like, it would be awesome if you could go have a look at it and give me your opinion. Thanks!
